Hermana Marin Fisher

Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission, 1814 N. Echo Ave., Fresno, CA 93704-6046

Monday, April 23, 2018

#51 - Just a normal missionary day/Everyone knows Bob

So Saturday:

We started off by serving at the Kingsburg Auto Show. We felt like we were in the 50s, all these classic cars and old music that we were trying not to listen to, it was fun to see everything and serve!

Then we went to the temple with the branch. A whole bunch of recent converts got to do baptisms for the first time, and there was such a peaceful feeling inside. Lots of primary kids stayed outside and colored pictures of the temple and talked about it. If you haven't been to the temple recently, I encourage you to go, and to bring your kids as well so they can feel the spirit of the temple from outside and have a goal of where to go one day.

Then we were informed that our investigator Moses was in critical condition in the hospital. We called up the elders serving nearby and asked them to give him a blessing. He ended up passing away while they were in the waiting room. But they were able to be there with the family and give him a blessing. They shared with us that it was a very sweet experience. I know that missionary work continues on the other side, our job here is to prepare people to come to Christ, and even after we pass away we still have the opportunity to learn and progress and become more like God.

Then afterwords we met up with our other friend and he wanted to play basketball while we taught. He stopped after a rebound, paused, and said, "I want to follow God, I'm going to do it. I'm going to get baptized".  SUCH A MIRACLE!! I've seen so many changes in him already, and I'm so excited for him to get baptized and start over following Christ.

And all of that happened in one day...we came home and crashed that night. I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!

I'll send some pictures next week, I think I put my phone on overload trying to upload, still trying to figure it out!
Hermana Marin Fisher & Elder Dietrich
p.s. At the temple on Saturday, there was a group of Vietnamese members from San Jose. Part of the group was a senior missionary, Elder Dietrich (Not vietnamese) who started talking to the senior couple serving in my branch. ( The Brandts, who used to live near Naperville). They told him to talk to me and he asked, "Sister Fisher, do you know Bob?". I started laughing and said, "Everyone knows Bob!". He got baptized into the Fox Valley Ward 38 years ago, just a few months after Grandpa became stake president. Small world!
Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission
1814 N Echo
Fresno, CA 93704

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