Hermana Marin Fisher

Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission, 1814 N. Echo Ave., Fresno, CA 93704-6046

Monday, April 9, 2018

#49 - Hermana Fisher doesn't know how to use a smartphone....

Us at the mission office
So on Friday we got smartphones! And like the title suggests, I have no idea how to use it haha. We were setting them up and I told everyone that I'd never had one and they all just looked confused.  The way it works is that one of the phones in the companionship has the SIM card and can call and use data, and the others are more like tablets than can use wifi. MISSIONARY WORK IS SO COOL WITH TECHNOLOGY!! There's all these interactive apps that we can use for teaching and showing videos, it's way easier to contact people that work a lot, and it just shows how God is hastening His work, and He wants us to be creative in spreading the gospel. In the push in our mission to be Agents unto Ourselves, our mission president didn't give a lot of guidelines, just the standards of the church and Safeguard for Using Technology. We'll be able to go on Facebook (not for just chatting back and forth, but if  you have questions about Christ or what we do as missionaries feel free to ask!).

Us and Sister Grammar and Sister Cate - Sorry we're all squinting, but Sister Cate was in my BYU freshmen ward!!
For about 2 months we've been preparing for technology by learning more about our purpose as missionaries and safeguards. One of my favorite lines was Elder Bednar saying that when we have something to do, turn the device on, and when you've finished that purpose, turn it off. I know that before my mission I would just scroll through Facebook or Pinterest, and waste a lot of time. I'd encourage you all to look at how much you use technology and if you're always being effective while you're on, we can really bring  a lot of light to people using technology!

When you have 5 types of jellies in your fridge...

Stake Conference Milagros: We tried out our ward mission leader's neighbor a few months ago, but they weren't really interested. Then we went to walk with his wife one morning and we saw a man outside and started talking to him. He's a son who just moved in recently. We had a great conversation with him and showed him "Wrong Roads" (One of my favorite mormon messages) and have taught him twice. Here's a link to the video: https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2013-09-016-wrong-roads?lang=eng
His nephew was there for one of the lessons and he showed up at stake conference on Sunday! And a less active brought a recent convert. So awesome!

I know that this really is God's work, and what we share as missionaries is more important than anything else in the world. Love you all!

Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission
1814 N Echo
Fresno, CA 93704

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