Hermana Pacher and Me |
One week after bruising my arm |
After I
emailed last week we played basketball as a zone and while going up for a
rebound I collided with another missionary and hit the ground pretty
hard with my elbow and my head. I was really out of it and super
confused so I went to the ER. They said they didn't want to do a CT
scan because of possible radiation problems and said that to just check
to see if I had really bad headaches in the next few days. They didn't
actually diagnose it as a concussion but we're all pretty sure it was at
least a mild one. Because of that, I had to stay in most of the week
laying down in the dark and listening to mormon channel and trying not
to think. So difficult! I don't think I've ever been so bored in my
life. All I wanted to do was go out and talk to people, but I realized
that God had something that He needed me to learn. Just the Sunday
before one of the members of the congregation told me, "Slow down
Sister!", and in a blessing I got after my collision all I remember was
patience being mentioned. It's true. Often times we get so caught up in
the "to do's" and we forget the real purpose of what we're doing. I
learned a lot this week just reflecting, listening to messages of
prophets, and praying. I encourage you all to take a step back this
week. Take a second to remember what's important and don't ever let a
thing to be done become more important than a person to be loved.
And I got the package! I loved it so much. And so did my companion,
we've already eaten all the fruit snacks and most of the cheese itz.
And I'm making finger jello for a missionary dinner we're doing today. [2/17/18 is Marin's half way point of her mission, know as Hump Day because you're over the hump and are on the home stretch]
feel a lot better now. When I went to the ER and the mission nurse put
all the information into the computer, she found out that I'm supposed
to get my blood checked every 6 months because of low platelets that I
found out about right before my mission. We went to the doctor again on
Friday then -but good news!- My levels are still good. I just bruise
really easy. So lots of weird medical things but we're all good now.
Friday we helped out at the Senior Center Valentine Dance. The first
time we went to the senior center, they didn't want our help, but then
we just started doing things and now when we show up they say , "We're
so glad that you made it!". They're so sweet and I love spreading the
gospel through service. The pictures are from the dance. Dory is in the
blue sweater, she's in the police department and pretty much runs the
place, and Etta has an opal ring like me too!
Love you all!
Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission
1814 N Echo
Fresno, CA 93704
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