Saying goodbye to my companions ( I didn't go to transfer Hub, they just dropped me off in Fresno with the other sisters) |
Sister Morse and Sister Kelly! Sister Morse and I have now been half
companions 3 times, when we came out together, my second day when we
randomly crashed a funeral, and this week |
Biggest news of the week was transfers! For two days I stayed with
some English sisters near Fresno while waiting for my new companion. It
was so weird because I ate English food and afterwards I was actually
hungry because I was so used to eating rice, beans, and meat every night
at dinner haha! Sister Kelly and Sister Morse are awesome, and we loved
being in a trio.
Our 'Squad' of missionaries: T-shirts say Tacocat spelled backwards is tacocat |
Wednesday was a really fun
birthday! I got to go to the temple, which was so incredible, and we
taught lots of lessons (So weird teaching in English all day), and this
family made homemade pizzas that night for us. Then we went home and
baked a cake and brought it over to a different family, who actually
isn't even in these Sisters' ward because of weird boundaries, but is
their neighbor in this apartment complex, and just sort of had a
birthday party with them! I have never celebrated with complete
strangers before but it was so much fun. They were a young couple and
had met on their missions and were so funny!
Baking a cake for members |
Hermana Oldroyd! |
I went to the mission office and we had some trainings, then we met our
new companions! We walked in and sang to them and then president called
up different groups and had us all move around. My companion is Hermana
Oldroyd! She's from Orem, she went to BYU this past year as well and
stayed in Heritage (but we never met). She's super sweet and fun. I also
got to see Elder Israelson from Naperville and we took a Chicago
picture. Then we were given a set of keys and an address and headed over
to Selma! (We had to walk around the parking lot seeing which car would
light up). We sort of drove past the apartment a few times, but we
figured some things out. It's definitely different being doubled in
(When you're both new to an area) but we're learning together! The
branch is so sweet here, immediately people were offering to help us
out. .They haven't had sister missionaries in over 6 years! They were so
excited that we came. So there's an English ward the the English elders
cover, and then there's a spanish branch, which is pretty much the
entire Hanford stake. So we cover Selma and Kingsburg, and the other
spanish elders cover Parlier and some other cities.
Chicago taking Fresno by Storm! Elder Mederos, Elder Israelson, and I |
was suddenly very grateful for a district meeting where we role played
getting doubled into an area. We went through the book and planned, and
went out and taught lots of people that night! We met lots of members
and investigators, there's definitely a lot of work to do here.
was stake conference, and I realized that I didn't know almost any of
the missionaries there, I've been up north in Fresno West for so long
it's crazy!
We shared with a lot of people the
message of the Good Samaritan, specifically how the man came down from
Jerusalem to Jericho (on the map it's up a mountain) and how Christ
always comes down to us to build us up. When we help people, we can't
always pull them up with a rope, but we need to go down to where they
are and be with them every step, because that's what Christ did. I just
really loved that, that's how we really show that Christlike Charity.
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