Hermana Marin Fisher

Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission, 1814 N. Echo Ave., Fresno, CA 93704-6046

Monday, August 7, 2017

#14 - Crazy Adventures!

A new hairstyle
Last week my companion and I decided we wanted to work on patience, and we were given many opportunities to work on patience with appointments that fell through. But at the same we always seemed to be exactly where we needed to be! We ended up randomly finding someone who was baptized 15 years ago in Mexico and didn't know where the church was here, and finding lots of new investigators! God always knows exactly where we need to be.

Joanna and her brother with water balloons
We had a relief society activity on wednesday, and two of the people we're working with went!!! They hadn't been to church in a  while, but they really enjoyed coming and meeting people, and we talked about self- reliance.

 IT RAINED!!!! It was only a few drops but it was the first time it's rained since I've been here in California. 

The beautiful sunset!
This week the Elders told us about a Book of Mormon challenge going around Social Media. It's sort of like the Ice Bucket challenge a few years ago. So, you record yourself saying your favorite scripture from the Book of Mormon ( or take a picture) and post it on Facebook or Instagram, and then you challenge two people to do the same thing. I would encourage you all to do that this week! Or even just share something positive on social media and challenge people to do the same. There's so many disheartening things online, let's fill the internet with positivity!

We did a Book of Mormon Stand again, which was super fun! And Bertoldo, this old guy who we just met as a referral, came to church yesterday!  

This week's words
Spanish - English
Yeso - cast (like a broken bone)
Estar un pez en agua - To be right at home
Trastes- Tupperware
Mizteco - Spanish - English
In ni du wah - hace calor - it's hot
co o ah tak wee - Voy a beber agua - I'm going to drink water
ya qwee - Chile verde- Green chili

In my recording this week I talked about the adventures we went on. Super great!
Love you!
Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission
1814 N Echo
Fresno, CA 93704

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