I got these fun leggings that I get to wear around the apartment. |
Really random title, but really random week!
So I haven't
taken a picture of our apartment yet, but we live across the street
from the cemetery, and it was kind of weird. Also, all of high school in
Spanish we learned about day of the dead and alters that people set up,
and yellow flowers, but then I finally actually saw it this week!
People had all this food out in their houses, and there were trails of
flowers everywhere. Halloween was super fun! We had to be in our
apartments by 6 pm, and so Hermana Oldroyd and I baked brownies and made
finger jello, and then watched The Testaments (a movie connecting the
life of Christ in Jerusalem with the events happening at the same time
in the Americas, and the Book of Mormon).

Halloween movie night |
Then on
Wednesday we felt that God had guided us to people. We talked to this
lady outside her house and she told us she had just gotten back from the
cemetery, her mother had passed away 7 years ago. She told us about a
lot of the hard things she's going through, and we were able to share
with her 2 Nephi 4:19-21, which has brought me a lot of comfort, and we
could tell it really touched her. Then we met this guy named Randy who
told us about wanting to change his life and he gave us this little
cross he's had for years and told us we had helped lift his burdens. I
just felt so happy that we really got to help people feel of Christ's
Thursday was exchanges again with Sister
Sheffield and Sister Baldwin, and it was really fun! So they don't speak
spanish, so they were just kind of following along for a lot of them,
but they'd never been in spanish areas so it was very different for
them. We saw so many miracles that day with finding new people to
teach and I learned a lot about teaching to people's needs. The next day
we were getting ready for the day and Sister Baldwin got locked in the
room! Our apartment's pretty old and weird, and we told them that you
can't close the bathroom door all the way or you get locked in, but we
didn't know it happened to the other room as well! Also, the door knob
fell off from the inside, so we tried for a few minutes, decided to pray
(we had to slide Sister Baldwin's name tag under the door because she
refused to pray without it on), and then got a knife and somehow pried
the door open. Such an adventure!
Also, our
mission president said we could now listen to ANY Christmas music
as long as it's not rap or romantic, so if anyone has any extra CDs
Hermana Oldroyd and I would greatly appreciate it!
we painted someone's porch roof because they are about to sell their
house, and then at dinner that night we were talking to someone about
tender mercies and she said it was a miracle that we had come and met
her and we were now friends, I felt so loved. Every single person here
in Selma wants to help out the missionaries, I just feel like I am part
of a whole other family.
Service project: PAINTING! |
Finished project |
I want to invite you
all to look for little miracles that you can see everyday that show that
God lives. Sometimes it's running into someone you know, it might be a
smile, a little coincidence that really is divine. When you look for
them, you'll see them everywhere-
Love you all!
Hermana Marin Fisher
California Fresno Mission
1814 N Echo
Fresno, CA 93704